图3. CGMR“水凝胶抗原库”的注射局部荧光分布图和特异性中和抗体滴度我校生命科学技术学院博士研究生邓嘉敏和动物科学技术学院博士后汪宗梅为论文的共同第一作者,韩鹤友教授和赵凌教授(动物科学技术学院)为论文共同通讯作者。该研究得到国家自然科学基金和湖北省自然科学基金等的资助。【英文摘要】Rabies, caused by rabies virus (RABV), is a zoonotic disease with a high mortality rate that has attracted global attention with the goal of eradication by 2030. However, rabies can only be prevented by appropriate and multiple vaccinations, which impede widespread vaccination in developing countries due to its high expenditure. Designing single-dose vaccines is a pressing challenge in the prevention of rabies and other infectious diseases. Herein, a metal−phenolic network (MPN)-based hydrogel vaccine (designated as CGMR) was developed to stimulate potent humoral immunity against RABV infection by a single immunization, resulting in 4.3-fold and 1.8fold enhancements of virus-neutralizing antibody compared with that induced by inactivated RABV and alum adjuvant. The CGMR, cross-linked by phenol-modified chitosan with manganese ion, could prolong residence time by confining the antigen to the network of hydrogel, acting as a “hydrogel antigen depot”. It also stimulated the activation of the cyclic guanosine monophosphate−adenosine monophosphate synthase (cGAS)-stimulator of interferon gene (STING) pathway, facilitating dendritic cell maturation and antigen presentation. The vaccine formulation recruited immunocytes and activated the germinal center, enhancing and sustaining humoral immune responses against the virulent RABV challenge. Collectively, this injectable manganese-based hydrogel vaccine provides a universal and ideal avenue for rabies and other infectious diseases.审核人 韩鹤友