今天早上9:14分 暴雪设计师发了一篇蓝贴We have discovered an issue where the expected health values of creatures in Season 2 Mythic dungeons are not properly reflected in Mythic Keystones.To address this, we are submitting a hotfix to update creature health values to align with increased player damage output, but creature damage dealt to players will not be affected by this change.We will continue to monitor Season 2 tuning and make adjustments as necessary throughout the remainder of the PTR testing cycle.Additionally in this hotfix, players in +12 keystones will be scaled to item level 678 to better reflect the anticipated player power for later keystone levels.大致意思是指大秘境中的怪物血量不对他们将推送一个热修来更新怪物生命值(但不会更改伤害)同时在12层以上的大秘境测试服装等光环提升到678