Fig. 1 | An overview of the proposedLAM workflow.
本工作由来自北京科学智能研究院、北京深势科技等29个机构的42位合作者(通讯作者为LinfengZhang和Han Wang)共同完成,提出了名为DPA-2的大原子模型新架构。与传统需要“单打独斗”的单一任务训练方式不同,DPA-2利用多任务预训练方法,一次性学习多种化学与材料体系(包括金属合金、电池材料、药物分子及铁电材料等共18个数据集、73种元素)的特征,这让它能够在面对“从未见过”的下游任务时给出更准确的预测。进一步而言,DPA-2大原子模型为后续的微调提供了极为便利的起点,从而在收集很少数据的情况下获得令人满意的结果,相比从头开始训练能将数据效率提升1-3个数量级,可大幅降低开发定制化模型的门槛,例如用于新型材料或新化合物的模拟与设计。
DPA-2: a large atomic model as a multi-task learner
Duo Zhang, Xinzijian Liu, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang et al.
The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are catalyzing transformative changes in atomic modeling, simulation, and design. AI-driven potential energy models have demonstrated the capability to conduct large-scale, long-duration simulations with the accuracy of ab initio electronic structure methods. However, the model generation process remains a bottleneck for large-scale applications. We propose a shift towards a model-centric ecosystem, wherein a large atomic model (LAM), pre-trained across multiple disciplines, can be efficiently fine-tuned and distilled for various downstream tasks, thereby establishing a new framework for molecular modeling. In this study, we introduce the DPA-2 architecture as a prototype for LAMs. Pre-trained on a diverse array of chemical and materials systems using a multi-task approach, DPA-2 demonstrates superior generalization capabilities across multiple downstream tasks compared to the traditional single-task pre-training and fine-tuning methodologies. Our approach sets the stage for the development and broad application of LAMs in molecular and materials simulation research.