关注湖南两会 外国朋友来唠嗑 Focus on Hunan’s Two Sessions: Foreign Friends Talk about Hunan

     The Hunan Provincial Two Sessions are in full swing, attracting significant attention from many foreign friends in Hunan.Closely following the current events and issues, the representatives and members have commented on the recent phenomenon of foreign netizens swarming into "Xiaohongshu". Professor Lauren from Australia is also paying attention to the Hunan Provincial Two Sessions and related news hotspots. She has a special research and understanding of Hunan and is the first foreign scholar to propose the Hunan model of China-Africa cooperation. Let's connect with Professor Jiang and listen to her special observations on the Hunan Provincial Two Sessions.


出品人:姜协军 于金旺

策 划: 颜斌 夏似飞

监 制: 禹振华 唐婷

统 筹: 秦慧英 冒蕞

主 持:田梦瑶 冯宇轩

摄 像:唐煜斯 满金汶(实习)


后 期: 王月(实习)齐颢然(实习)