





1. 承认导致动植物中不当使用抗微生物药物的因素,包括缺乏对非处方抗微生物药物使用的指导和监管、缺乏循证的标准治疗指南、缺乏可负担的诊断检验、缺乏兽医监督、存在劣质和假冒的抗微生物药物,并强调有必要加强应对这些问题的体系。

Acknowledge the drivers that lead to inappropriate antimicrobial use in animals and plants, including lack of regulation and guidance of over-the-counter use of antimicrobials; lack of evidence-based standard treatment guidelines; lack of affordable diagnostic tests; lack of veterinary oversight; substandard and falsified antimicrobial medicines, and stress the need to strengthen systems to address them.

2. 承认抗菌生长促进剂对抗微生物药物耐药性的影响,因此需要逐步停止使用医学上重要的抗微生物药物,同时鼓励预防性使用抗微生物药物时秉持谨慎、负责任的态度,且遵守《食品法典》抗微生物药物耐药性标准,包括操作规范和世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)的相关指导。

Acknowledge the impact of antimicrobial growth promoters on antimicrobial resistance and the particular need to phase out the use of medically important antimicrobials for this purpose, as well encourage the prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials when used prophylactically based on an ambitious, incremental, and country-specific approach building upon the Codex Alimentarius Antimicrobial Resistance Standards, including the Code of Practice and relevant WOAH guidance, as appropriate.

3. 承认有必要优先考虑并资助实施感染防控的措施,并确保在动物健康领域谨慎、负责任和循证地使用抗微生物药物。可以参考世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)的优先疾病清单和粮农组织的RENO-FARM(减少农场对抗微生物药物的需求)倡议,具体建议包括:通过加强实验室和数字化能力以及加强监测来提高对疾病感染的准确诊断;在植物健康领域推广农牧业良好做法、粪污处理方式及虫害综合防治;增加兽医和兽医专业人员以及辅助专业人员的数量;并通过规范获取优质抗微生物药物以及供应安全有效且价格合理的兽药和疫苗等途径以促进动物健康。

Acknowledge the need to prioritize and fund the implementation of measures to prevent and control infections and ensure prudent, responsible and evidence-based use of antimicrobials in animal health, taking into account the WOAH list of priority diseases and FAO RENOFARM (reduce the need for antimicrobial on farms) initiative, including by enhancing accurate diagnosis of infections through strengthening laboratory and digital capacities and increasing surveillance; promote good animal husbandry and agriculture practices, manure treatment and integrated pest management in the plant health sector; increasing the number of veterinarians and veterinary professionals and paraprofessionals; and promoting animal health, including through regulated access to quality antimicrobials and the supply of safe, effective and affordable veterinary medicines and vaccines.

4.  进一步认识到人畜共患病和抗微生物药物耐药性在人与动物之间的双向传播及影响。

Acknowledge further the bi-directional spread of zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance between humans and animals.

承    诺


1. 到2030年,在考虑到各国国情的情况上,力争显著减少全球农业食品系统中抗微生物药物使用量,措施包括但不限于:基于《食品法典》以及世界动物卫生组织制定的标准、指导和建议的前提下,加强动植物健康领域投入以预防和控制感染;减少抗微生物药物的需求和不当使用;投入和推动抗微生物药物替代品研发,并加强管理指导。

Strive to meaningfully reduce, by 2030, the quantity of antimicrobials used globally in the agri-food system from the current level, taking into account national contexts, by, inter alia, investing in animal and plant health to prevent and control infections, reducing the need for and inappropriate use of antimicrobials, including through investing in and promoting alternatives to antimicrobials and increasing implementation of stewardship guidance, taking into account the Codex Alimentarius and standards, guidance and recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health.

2. 承诺秉持谨慎及负责任的原则在动物和农业领域使用抗微生物药物,且符合《食品法典》抗菌药物耐药性标准以及世界动物卫生组织的标准、指南和建议。

Commit to ensure that the use of antimicrobials in animals and agriculture is done in a prudent and responsible manner in line with the Codex Alimentarius Antimicrobial Resistance Standards and the standards, guidance and recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health.

3. 鼓励粮农组织及其相关理事机构与成员国和所有相关利益相关方协商开展工作,在《食品法典》抗微生物药物耐药性标准和《国际植物保护公约》相关指导的基础上,进一步制定减少在农业中使用抗微生物药物的全球指南。

Encourage FAO and its relevant governing bodies to undertake work, in consultation with member states and all relevant stakeholders, to develop further global guidance to prevent and reduce the use of antimicrobials in plant agriculture, building on the work of Codex Alimentarius Antimicrobial Resistance Standards and relevant International Plant Protection Convention guidance.

4. 确保到 2030 年,根据各国国情和科学依据,在基于世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)列出的优先疾病清单(疫苗接种可减少抗微生物药物使用),以及联合国粮农组织关于疫苗质量控制和实地实施的指导方针的前提下,开展国际合作,制定明确的动物疫苗接种策略及实施方案。

Ensure, by 2030, that animal vaccination strategies are defined with an implementation plan, including with international cooperation, taking into account WOAH's list of priority diseases for which vaccines could reduce antimicrobial use, and FAO guidance on vaccine quality control and field implementation, according to national contexts and based on scientific evidence.

5. 加大动物卫生系统投入,以公平获取基础的兽医服务;加强动物健康及适当管理措施以防止感染;促进并及时供应优质且可负担的基本兽药、疫苗和诊断;同时在国家层面加强对抗微生物药物使用的兽医监管。

Invest in animal health systems to support equitable access to essential veterinary services, improve animal health and appropriate management practices to prevent infections, and promote the timely supply of quality and affordable essential veterinary medicines, vaccines and diagnostics, and improve veterinary oversight of antimicrobial use in animals at national level.
