The Hunan Provincial Two Sessions are in full swing, attracting significant attention from many foreign friends in Hunan. Naveed, from Pakistan, is the first foreign student at University of South China,and has been living in Hengyang, Hunan, for 15 years. In this episode, let’s listen to him chat with us about his feelings regarding the Hunan Two Sessions.
出品人:姜协军 于金旺
策 划: 颜斌 夏似飞
监 制: 禹振华 唐婷
统 筹: 秦慧英 冒蕞
主 持:冯宇轩 田梦瑶
摄 像:唐煜斯 齐颢然(实习)
后 期: 王月(实习)满金汶(实习)