新加坡教育部长陈振声,在国会书面答复荷兰--武吉知马集选区议员迪舒沙有关让家长参与进来以减轻 PSLE 给学生和家长带来压力的举措。
陈振声(新加坡教育部长)先生:考试,如小学毕业考试,是学生衡量自己学 习情况的有用检查工具,以评估他们的学习并使他们能够顺利进入合适的学习环境。
教育学生需要全社会的努力。我们寻求家长的支持,通过示范注重学习和自我完善的行为,而不是在成绩上胜过他人的行为,来配合学校的工作。此外,家长还可以利用教育部和其他机构提供的各种资源,包括亲子身心培育指南”(Parenting for Wellness)提供的资源,在孩子的教育之路上为他们提供支持。我们在座的许多人都是家长。我们有责任帮助我们的孩子以正确的学习心态成长,使他们能够在学校以外的生活中茁壮成长。
Mr Christopher de Souza asked the Minister for Education how does the Ministry plan to further engage parents to alleviate the pressure of the PSLE on students and parents to prevent their mental burnout.
Mr Chan Chun Sing: Examinations, such as the Primary School Leaving Examination, serve as useful checkpoints for students to gauge their learning and enable them to progress smoothly to suitable learning environments.
All examinations come with some amount of pressure. Our starting point should not be to remove all stressors for our students, but to inculcate in them skills to manage pressure, and the mindset to view assessments as an essential part of learning and growth.
Parents play a critical role to inculcate this mindset. Let us work together to help children embrace learning beyond grades, so that they can develop the right attitude towards learning. Give our students the space and opportunities to realise their full potential by discovering new passions and becoming curious, creative learners for life. To support this, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has introduced efforts, such as providing more options and pathways in our education system, including through Full Subject-Based Banding and different opportunities in higher education.
Conversely, if parents are overly anxious about grades, children will not understand the intrinsic value of learning. When MOE removed mid-year examinations to reduce the overemphasis on grades and create space for more engaging learning experiences, some parents turned to tuition centres which provided mock mid-year examinations. This runs counter to the shifts we are making in our education system, and the mindset shifts we are trying to cultivate.
Educating our students requires a whole-of-society effort. We seek support from parents to complement schools' efforts by modelling behaviours that focus on learning and self-improvement, rather than on grades and outperforming others. In addition, parents can use the various resources provided by MOE and other agencies, including from the Parenting for Wellness initiative, to support our children through their educational journey. Many of us in this House are parents. It is incumbent on us to help our children grow with the right mindsets in learning so that they can thrive in life beyond schools.