



王丁 · 中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员
格致论道第114期 | 2024年7月3日  摩洛哥









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A Conservation Story for a Small Dolphin and its Big River

Dear friends, thank you for coming to join this side event. This morning we had, you know, very intensive discussions and kind of difficult meeting. So I guess everybody here is kind of tired. And in China, we Chinese have somea custom of taking a little nap during the noon time. So right now I kind of sleepy. But I hope my story I'm going to tell you is interesting and exciting enough to make you wake up. The story I'm going to tell you is called “A Conservation Story for a Small Dolphin and its Big River”.

Back in 2006, we organized experts from seven different countries to carry out a survey in the Yangtze river and two big lakes, Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake. The main purpose of this survey is to try to find the last Baiji . Baiji is the Chinese name of the Chinese Yangtze river dolphin.

Because we know, there were very few Chinese river dolphin left in the river, we are very much concerned about its future. So actually I organized experts from seven countries to carry out so called international survey to try to find the last Baiji.

But unfortunately, we failed. Not a single Baiji was sighted for sure. So next year, in 2007, we published a paper declaring Baiji is likely extinct or functionally extinct. This is a very big tragedy, because Baiji is an aquatic mammal only survived in the Yangtze river. If it's gone in the Yangtze river, you cannot find them anywhere else in the world. So we have to learn some lessons from the extinction of Baiji.

Since then, we have put much of our effort into the conservation work of another cetacean species in the Yangtze river.

So Yangtze river is kind of special,weused to have at least two cetacean species in the Yangtze river. But just like the Baiji, the Yangtze finless porpoise, as a cetacean species, also faces all kinds of threats faced by the Baiji . So its number had also been decreasing. For example, back in early 1990s, there were like 3600 individuals, but in 2012, only about 1000 left. So the IUCN list Yangtze finless porpoise as critically endangered, which is one step close to extinct in the wild.

So again, we must prevent the tragedy from happening again to the Yangtze finless porpoise. So what we have been doing?

First of all, we proposed so called three-measure conservation: in situ conservation, ex situ conservation and also captive breeding. Especially, when you are talking about ex situ conservation for cetacean species, nobody has done that before.

Actually I was facing quite a lot of criticism from international scientific society. Wang, you cannot do that. You cannot do ex situ conservation on cetacean species, there is no way to do that. But for me, because a lot of situations in the Yangtze river, especially human activity had been expanding very fast. I was worried, maybe there was some day, this day will be coming soon, the Yangtze finless porpoise cannot survive just like Baiji in the stream of the Yangtze river.

So what I was thinking, We had to put some of them into some area. It's safer for them to survive there. At least, we can preserve the seed population of this species and hopefully someday they can go back to the mainstream of Yangtze river. So we carried out a measure called ex situ conservation. I'm going to talk about this a little bit more.

The third measure is captive breeding. We are not expecting captive breeding can save a cetacean species. There is no way to do that. But for us, as a researcher, to have a small population captivity, it provides very good chance for us to do some research on them, to learn more about this animal species, then to help our work in the wild. And also, we can use this facility to raise some awareness of the public to try to encourage them to give more support to our conservation work.

So what is natural ex situ conservation measure? We first chose an oxbow named Tian-e-zhou oxbow. Oxbow means used to be a part of the Yangtze river. For example, for this Tian-e-zhou oxbow, the Yangtze river used to be running like this way, but because of the current was very strong, the Yangtze river is now running like this way, and this part is leftover as an oxbow. So this oxbow used to be a part of the Yangtze river. So its ecological and environmental conditions are very much similar to the mainstream of Yangtze river.

So we first chose this area which is our essential conservation area, and we captured some animals from the mainstream of the Yangtze river to move them into this area. And back in 1990, the first group of the Yangtze finless porpoise was moved into this area. And it turned out the animals not only survived but also reproduced naturally and successfully in the area. And they are free ranging animals. We don't need to touch them. We don't need to feed them. They are really free ranging wild animals. So this is a very successful effort. here is a picture from that time I was much younger than I am right now. I still have some hair anyway. We moved some animals into this area.

And as you can see from this figure, the population size number of the animals has been increasing, up to year 2021, it reached about 100. So this ex situ conservation is very much successful.

Because of the successful experience, we chose another oxbow, actually this oxbow is much bigger than Tian-e-zhou oxbow. It's called Hewang Temple/Jicheng oxbow. It's about 33 kilometers long, about 1-2 kilometers wide, and one end is still connected with the mainstream of Yangtze river. So the water quality is really good, and fish resource is really rich. So in 2015, we moved in the first group of the finless porpoise, and since then we introduced more. And next year, 2016, we see some newborns in this oxbow.

So a total 20 individuals were introduced to this oxbow. And since 2016, newborns appearand the current number is close to 40.And this picture was taken in 2019. Because, as I mentioned at that time,when we first proposed ex situ conservation measurefor the Yangtze finless porpoise,nobody agreed with me,and I faced quite a lot of criticism.But anyway,later on they learned something about this,and they got very much curious about this.So they asked me,Wang, can you invite us to go to your city, to your area to take a look of your reserve?So we had a meeting in 2019. More than 30 experts from some other countries visited this reserve.Everybody was happy.I don't know why,the finless porpoise, they just got to know somehow,there are some foreigners here to see us,they just keep moving around the boat.So everybody was very much happy about this.

So right now we have three natural and one semi-natural ex situ reserves. Insured population has been established. There are about 160 finless porpoise in total with more than 15 born each year. It is the only successful example of ex suit conservation of a cetacean species in the world. As IWC scientific committee report in 2017, it says, the program for translocating finless porpoise appears to be effective, and commends the Chinese government, Prof. Wang Ding and his colleagues for the progress they have made in this regard. So finally our efforts, you know, are recognized by the scientific society.

I'm going to talk a little bit about capital breeding. And this animal is called Taotao in Chinese. He was born in our captivity back in 2005. This animal, Ebo, was born in 2018. And Hanbao, born in 2020, is the son of Taotao. Taotao actually now have two sons and one daughter. His daughter was just born one month ago. She's very healthy. We love this animal.

You can see actually we did so called live-broadcasting online. I cannot believe that, this number is huge, 220 million people watched this broadcast online. It's unbelievable. Even the Chinese, we have a big population size in China, but this number at the same time, so many people watch the birth of this animal, 220 million, can you believe that?

So our conservation efforts have worked positively, but can we really protect the Yangtze finless porpoise from extinction?

It's a big question actually. Even we have been making some progress, but ultimately, we have to protect the Yangtze river to protect the Yangtze finless porpoise. So that's what we are doing right now.

Back in 2016, the Guideline for the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt stated: Adhere to ecological priority and green development, jointly implement large-scale protection and avoid large-scale development. This is the policy set up by the central government. As you know Chinese government is a very strong government. If they want to do something, they will do that successfully.

Starting from January 1st of 2020, our reserve first banned the fishery. And starting from 1st of January of 2021, a 10-year fishing ban was implemented in the key waters of the Yangtze river basin, which means the whole Yangtze river, the mainstream of the Yangtze river, and some important tributaries and some lakes. 111000 fishing boats and 231000 fishermen were fully withdrawal from fishing. But of course, the government had to provide some funding and help fishermen to find another way to support their family. It's a big money.

And also on 1st March, 2021, "The Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" came into effect. And in terms of conservation of finless porpoise, we have already established 8 natural reserves in the mainstream of the Yangtze river, and also two big lakes, one is called Dongting lake, another one is called Poyang lake.

And also as you can say, the Yangtze river’s environment is a good or not, the finless porpoise has the final say. Why we say that? Because the Yangtze finless porpoise sits on the top of the food chain. If the Yangtze finless porpoise is not doing well, which means the ecosystem of the Yangtze river is not doing well. So that's why the Yangtze finless porpoise has the final say to talk about the Yangtze river’s environment is good or not.

I'm very happy to share these good news with you. As I mentioned, the population size of the Yangtze finless porpoise had been decreasing very rapidly, but during the last survey back in 2022, the natural population of Yangtze finless porpoise stopped falling and recovered for the first time in the history, compared to 2017, increase 23%.

My time is out. But anyway, I'm going to talk a little bit about MAB program. You know, the Yangtze finless porpoise is not our only concern, and even the Yangtze river is not the only concern of ours. We have to see a big picture. We have to find a way to coexist with nature, with the environment, with this earth, which is the only one, only planet where human race can live on. We have to find a way to coexist with them peacefully and harmoniously.

So this is where the MAB program came in. Since 1973, we joined this MAB program. We built up a network of biosphere reserves in China. This is the world's largest MAB national network. And the number of members has grown from 45 in 1993 to 200 today And 34 of them have become UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. And all the Yangtze finless porpoise reserves joined this network.

So what do we learn from MAB practice in China? Humans are the root cause of many environmental and ecological problems in the biosphere, but they can also be the dominant force in solving or preventing the problems. Nothing is easy, but if we keep our mission in mind and stay true to our original aspirations, we can fully liberate our creativity and make a difference. In the universe, the Earth's biosphere may be the only one. For the sustainable future of our human race, we need to coexist harmoniously with the biosphere and go forward hand in hand.

This is a picture taken in the Poyang lake. I can say now we are more confident than ever before in protecting the most beautiful smile of Yangtze river.

So this is my last slide. The 5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves will be held in Hangzhou, China. Welcome to Hangzhou, China. Thank you very much!

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