道理千千万,但值得记下来的只有8条: 1、没有人是正常的2、对待友情要宽容,知道双方缺点且接受3、了解自己最疯狂的行为4、接受自己的愚蠢,克服害羞和羞耻感5、一切足够好了,生活在当下6、放弃浪漫,对方不好可以利用想象,因对方成为更好的自己,和睦是爱情达成的成就7、乐观的绝望,黑暗向着光明8、超越自我,拥抱哲学The School of Life has produced 500 films and written 5 million words. This is an enormous problem. To stand any hope of remaining in anyone’s mind, even very good ideas need to be brief and reduced to an essence. That’s why, for the sake of our followers, or scholars as we playfully call them, we have summarised everything we believe down to eight key points, if you like: the credo of The School of Life. It goes as follows:人生学校已经制作了500个视频,写下了共五百万字的文章。这就产生了一个很大的问题。即使是非常好的想法,要想在别人脑海中留下印象,也需要简明扼要。因此,为了我们的粉丝们,或者说我们的“学者”们,我们将所相信的一切总结为八个要点,如果你想的话,也可以称之为:人生学校的信条。内容如下:1. ACCEPT IMPERFECTION接受不完美We are inherently flawed and broken beings. Perfection is beyond us. Despite our intelligence and our science, we are all, from close up, scared, unsure, full of regret, longing and error. No one is normal: the only people we can think of as normal are those we don’t as yet know very well.我们生来就有缺点,不是完美的人。我们无法做到尽善尽美。尽管我们有智慧,有科学,但是从近处观察,我们都是会害怕并且犹豫不定的人,充满了遗憾、渴望和错误。没有人是正常的:我们认为正常的人是那些我们还不太了解的人。2. FRIENDSHIP友谊Recognising that we are each one of us weak, mad and mistaken should inspire compassion for ourselves and generosity towards other people. Knowing how to reveal our vulnerability and brokenness becomes the bedrock of true friendship, which we universally crave. People do not reliably end up with the lives they deserve. We should embrace the concept of tragedy: random terrible things can and do befall most lives. We may fail and be good – and therefore need to be slower to judge and quicker to understand. Be kind.认识到我们每个人都是脆弱、疯狂并且会犯错的人,这会激发我们对自己的同情和对他人的宽容。知道如何暴露我们的弱点和伤心,是真正友谊的基石,我们都渴望可以这样。人们并不一定会得到他们应得的生活。我们应该接受悲剧的概念:随机发生的可怕事情会降临到大多数人的头上。我们或许会失败,也会成功 - 因此我们需要放慢判断的节奏,加快理解的速度。做人要善良。3. KNOW YOUR INSANITY了解你的疯狂之举We cannot be entirely sane, but it is a basic requirement of maturity that we understand the ways in which we are insane, so we can warn others we care about what our insanities might make us do, early and in good time, and before we have caused too much damage. We should be able to have a ready answer and never take offence if someone asks us (as they should): ‘So in what ways are you mad’? Most of the madness comes down to childhood, which will – in a way unique to our situation – have unbalanced us. No one has yet had a ‘normal’ childhood; and this is no insult to the efforts of families.我们不可能完全理智,但理智却是成熟的一个基本要求,成熟是我们知道自己的发疯方式,这样我们就可以提前或者及时甚至是在造成过多伤害之前向我们在乎的人告知这一点,提醒他们。如果某人问到:“你疯狂的方式是什么”,我们应该如实地回答并且不要觉得被冒犯。大多数的疯狂可以归结于童年时期,它以一种独特的方式让我们精神紊乱。没有人拥有一个“正常”的童年,这句话对家庭的努力并无恶意。4. ACCEPT YOUR IDIOCY接受自己的愚蠢Do not run away from the thought you may be an idiot as if this were a rare and dreadful prospect in insight. Accept the certainty with good grace, in full daylight. You are an idiot, but there is no other alternative for a human being. We are on a planet of seven billion comparable fools. Embracing our idiocy should render us confident before challenges because messing up is to be expected; it should make us comfortable with ourselves, and ready to extend a hand of friendship to our similarly broken and demented neighbours. We should overcome shame and shyness because we have already shed so much of our pride.不要逃避你可能是一个白痴的想法,仿佛这是一种罕见而可怕的洞察力。大大方方、心平气和地接受这一点。你是个傻瓜,但人类别无选择。我们生活在一个有70亿傻瓜的星球上。接受我们的愚蠢应该让我们在挑战面前变得自信,因为搞砸是意料之中的事情。这应该让我们感到自在,并准备向同样意志消沉、精神错乱的邻居伸出援助之手。我们应该克服羞耻感和害羞的情绪,因为我们已经失去了很多的骄傲。5. GOOD ENOUGH一切足够好了The alternative to perfection isn’t failure, it’s to make our peace with the idea that we are, each of us, ‘good enough’. Good enough parents, siblings, workers and humans. ‘Ordinary’ isn’t a name for failure. Understood more carefully, and seen with a more generous and perceptive eye, it contains the best of life. Life is not elsewhere; it is, fully and properly, here and now.不完美并不一定是失败,这能让我们接受下面的观点:我们每个人都“足够好了”。我们是足够好的父母、兄弟姐妹、雇员以及人类。“平凡”并不是失败。如果能更仔细地理解平凡,用更宽容和敏锐的眼光去看待平凡,那么它其实包含了生命中最美好的东西。生活不在别处:它就在此时此地。6. BEYOND ROMANTICISM放弃浪漫主义‘The one’ is a cruel invention. No-one is ever wholly ‘right’ nor indeed wholly ‘wrong’. True love isn’t merely an admiration for strength, it is patience and compassion for our mutual weaknesses. Love is a capacity to bring imagination to bear on a person’s less impressive moments – and to bestow an ongoing degree of forgiveness for our natural fragility. No one should be expected to love us ‘just as we are’. Genuine love involves two people helping each other to become the best version of themselves. Compatibility isn’t a prerequisite for love; it is the achievement of love.“命中注定的另一半”这个概念是个残忍的发明。没有人是完全“正确的”或者完全“错误的”。真爱不仅仅是对优点的赞美,它也是对双方共同缺点的耐心和同情。爱是一种能力,能够利用想象力去承担对方不那么出彩的时刻 - 并且持续不断地宽恕我们脆弱的天性。我们不应该希求别人爱“我们本来的样子”。真正的爱情是两个人互相帮助使对方成为更好的自己。和睦相处并不是爱情的先决条件,而是爱情达成的成就。7. CHEERFUL DESPAIR绝望但乐观We are under undue and unfair pressure to smile. But almost nothing will go entirely well: we can expect frustration, misunderstanding, misfortune and rebuffs. Melancholy is not rage or bitterness, it is a noble species of sadness that arises when we are open to the fact that disappointment is at the heart of human experience. In our melancholy state, we can understand without fury or sentimentality that no one fully understands anyone else, and that every life has its full measure of sorrow. But though there is a vast amount to feel sad about, we’re not individually cursed and against the backdrop of darkness, many small sweet things should stand out: a sunny day, a drifting cloud; dawn and dusk, a tender look. Despair but do so cheerfully, believe in cheerful despair.我们承受着不适当和不公平的压力,被迫微笑。但几乎没有什么事情会一帆风顺:我们可以预料到挫折、误解、不幸和拒绝。忧郁不是愤怒或痛苦,忧郁是一种高贵的悲伤,由于失望是人类体验的核心,当我们愿意接受失望时,忧郁就会出现。在忧郁的时候,我们能够丝毫不生气也不多愁善感地感悟到没有人能完全地理解别人,每个人都有自己的悲伤。不过,尽管有很多事情让我们感到悲伤,但我们并不是单独地受到了诅咒,在黑暗的背景之下,许多小美好应该凸显出来:晴朗的天气、漂浮的白云、黎明和黄昏、温柔的眼神。就算是绝望也要快乐地绝望,相信乐观的绝望。8. TRANSCEND YOURSELF超越自我We are not at the center of anything; thankfully. We are miniscule bundles of evanescent matter on an infinitesimal corner of a boundless universe. We do not count one bit in the grander scheme, that should be a liberation. We should gain relief from the thought of the kindly indifference of spatial infinity: an eternity where no-one will notice, and where the wind erodes the rocks in the space between the stars. Cosmic humility – taught to us by nature, history and always the sky above us – is a blessing and a constant alternative to a life of frantic jostling, humourlessness and anxious pride.值得庆幸的是,我们不是任何事物的中心。我们只是在无限宇宙的某个小角落里一群极易消逝的微小物质而已。在更宏大的计划中,我们什么都算不上,这应该是种解放。无边无际的宇宙有着善意的冷漠,我们应该从中得到解放:宇宙是一种没有人会注意的永恒,在那里,风不断地侵蚀着恒星之间的岩石。宇宙的谦逊 - 这是大自然、历史和永远在头顶之上的天空教给我们的 - 它是一种祝福、一种不变的选择,能够代替充满疯狂冲撞、急切骄傲并且缺乏幽默的生活。A final point: We know – in theory – about all of it. But in practice, any such ideas have a notoriously weak ability to motivate our actual behaviour and emotions. Our best knowledge is both embedded within us and yet ineffective for us. We forget almost everything. Our enthusiasms and resolutions can be counted upon to fade like the stars at dawn. Nothing much sticks. For this reason, we need to go back over things. Maybe once a day, certainly once a week. A true good ‘school’ shouldn’t tell us only things we’ve never heard before; it should be deeply interested in rehearsing all that is theoretically known yet practically forgotten. That’s why we should keep the eight rules in mind and why the next step is to subscribe and to return here often.最后一点:这些道理我们都懂,但就是缺乏实践。任何这样的想法都无法激励我们采取真正的行动、产生实际的情感。我们有着最好的知识,但这些知识却没有对我们产生作用。我们几乎忘记了一切。我们的热情和决心会像黎明时的星星一样消逝,所剩无几。因此,我们需要回顾自己的热情和决心,或许一天一次,至少一周一次。真正的好学校不应该只告诉我们之前从未听过的事情,它应该重复那些我们虽然知道却忘记去实践的道理。这就是我们需要牢记这八条原则的原因,也是你关注@ONE字幕组的原因 - 记得常回来看看。By The School of Life译:Fay