December 9, 2024
雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明
Long-distance flight consumes the amount of fuel that a car uses in many years and pollutes the air. Some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Increasingly, environmentalists have blamed long-haul flights rather than vehicles as a culprit in unprecedented fuel crisis and pollution. But calling a halt to cancelable flights is too native as a decarbonization lever.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ environmentalists 环保主义者
❖ long-haul flights 长途飞行
❖ culprit 元凶n.
❖ unprecedented 前所未有的/空前的adj.
❖ call a halt 结束某事物/终结v.
❖ cancelable 可被取消的/可被撤销的adj.
❖ decarbonization lever 脱碳杠杆
Body paragraph 1
Advocators for curbing air travel claim that fossil fuel consumed by airlines far outstrips that by automobiles, not to mentions the former’s staggering release of carbon emissions. However, it is important to remember that trans-boundary travel for various purposes is bound to see a noticeable uptick in coming few decades, thanks to constant fusion in commerce, education, culture and ideology. Also, requiring mortals to bear the green plight with stoicism is doomed to be unwelcoming among those fun-seekers who aspire to unwind stress by overseas trips. Even though some pro-environmental travelers shifted to time-consuming road trips, the overall car use could be alarmingly high.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ curb限制
❖ outstrip 超过
❖ automobiles 汽车n.
❖ staggering 大得惊人的adj.
❖ trans-boundary 跨界的adj.
❖ uptick 上升n.
❖ fusion 融合n.
❖ mortals 凡人/人类
❖ plight 困境/窘迫n.
❖ stoicism 斯多葛哲学,斯多葛学派;恬淡寡欲
❖ doomed to 注定会
❖ fun-seekers 游客n.
❖ unwind stress 降低压力
❖ pro-environmental 赞成环保的
❖ time-consuming 消耗时间的
❖ alarmingly 令人警惕地
Body paragraph 2
In my opinion, neither restriction on airplanes nor automobiles could effectively reverse the depletion of fossil fuels nor release of carbon footprints. Breaking away from fossil fuels as the solution to airline pollution may be very hard for previous few decades but in modern age, when alternative fuels involving hydrogen, biofuels and solar power are already being available on engines. The governments worldwide need to join a pilgrimage to greener airlines by creating competitive, sustainable and competitive exploitation of alternative energy sources. Besides, tax abatement is well-advised to be offered to airlines that successfully made the green switch, with subsidies being offered to those with financial barriers.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ reverse 扭转v.
❖ depletion 耗尽/损耗n.
❖ carbon footprints 碳足迹
❖ break away from 摆脱v.
❖ hydrogen 氢气n.
❖ biofuels 生物燃料
❖ join a pilgrimage 加入朝圣之旅
❖ tax abatement 减税
❖ switch 切换/转变n.
❖ financial barriers 财务障碍
To conclude, the starry-eyed emphasis on slashing unnecessary trips by airplanes could backfire and virtually have a negative impact on our green planet; it is the switch to alternative fuels that would ultimately make a difference.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ starry-eyed 过度乐观的adj.
❖ slash 减少v.
❖ backfire 产生事与愿违的结果/适得其反v.
❖ have a negative impact on 产生负面影响
❖ make a difference 带来改变