(Bilingual)北上广深等九地试点允许设立外商独资医院 条件公布


China on Friday unveiled a plan to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in some major cities, in a move to further open up its medical sector.

The pilot work plan, released by the National Health Commission (NHC) and three other government departments, grants approval to the cities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, as well as the island province of Hainan.




  1. 能够提供国际先进的医院管理理念、管理模式和服务模式;

  2. 能够提供具有国际领先水平的医学技术和设备;
  3. 可以补充或改善当地在医疗服务能力、医疗技术和医疗设施方面的不足,拓展多元化服务供给格局。

A major reform resolution adopted by the Communist Party of China leadership in July highlighted telecommunications and medical services as areas that need broader opening.

In an explanation of the work plan published on Friday, the NHC stated that the two sectors have high domestic market demand and strong investment interest from foreign investors.

In 2023, the number of hospitals in China topped 38,000, with public hospitals accounting for less than one-third of the total. However, public hospitals accounted for 83.5 percent of the total number of patient visits nationwide, according to official data.

Since 2000, China has allowed the establishment of joint-venture medical institutions with foreign investors. After more than 20 years of development, there are currently over 60 foreign-invested joint-venture medical institutions in the country.



  1. 医院的经营性质可以是营利性或者非营利性;

  2. 医院类别为综合医院、专科医院、康复医院,医院级别为三级,不得设立精神病医院、传染病医院、血液病医院、中医医院、中西医结合医院、少数民族医医院;

  3. 医院的诊疗科目不得登记血液内科;

  4. 医院不得开展医疗和伦理风险较高的诊疗活动,主要包括:人体器官移植技术、人类辅助生殖技术、产前筛查和产前诊断技术,精神科住院治疗,肿瘤细胞治疗新技术试验性治疗等;

  5. 允许医院按规定聘用外国医师、港澳台医师、港澳其他卫生专业技术人员短期执业,全院管理和卫生专业技术人员的中方(内地)人员占比均不得少于50%;

  6. 医院信息管理系统应当接入属地医疗服务监管平台,电子病历、医用设备等信息存储服务器应当位于我国境内。

The work plan explicitly excludes traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and prohibits the foreign acquisition of public hospitals.

Aiming to introduce high-level international medical resources, improve the supply of medical services, and optimize the business environment, the document specifies pilot requirements, management measures, and other related terms.

The plan permits wholly foreign-owned hospitals to operate as general, specialty, and rehabilitation hospitals.

It also includes restrictions. For instance, such hospitals are barred from performing medical activities with significant medical or ethical risks, such as human organ transplantation.


  • 属地卫生健康行政部门应当依法履行对外商独资医院的准入和事中事后管理职责。

  • 外商独资医院应当依法开展诊疗活动,并加强自我管理。

  • 有关省级卫生健康行政部门应当会同商务、中医药、疾控等部门制定具体工作方案,于2024年11月底前报国家卫生健康委和商务部。

  • 属地卫生健康行政部门应当加强外商独资医院执业运行情况的监测评估,与有关部门建立协同管理机制,及时研究解决试点中遇到的重点难点问题,引导外商独资医院对接国内外商业健康保险,促进可持续发展。

源:央视新闻   Xinhua News