松江星空,璀璨闪烁Songjiang starry sky is shining brightly我把星河寰宇迎进祖国I welcomed the stars and rivers into the motherland万物惺忪,坚守执着All things sleepy stick to persistent守护星河,爱在心窝Guardian star River love in the heart
啊,松江Ah Songjiang啊,松江Ah Songjiang林海寂寞,雪映星火The forest sea is lonely and the snow reflects the sparks林海寂寞Lonely forest sea雪映星火The snow reflected the sparts边陲冷月Cold moon on the border东极角落East pole coner我将星河寰宇融进心窝I melt the stars into my heart
邀月揽舟Invite the moon to hold a boat爱恋不说Dont say anything about love巡天牧星,深情不没The sky patrol star is affectionate啊,松江Ah Songjiang啊,松江Ah Songjiang东极星河,分外磅礴The East Pole is mighty
东极星河,分外磅礴The East Pole is mighty青春年华,征途寥廓The journey of youth is boundless我在星河寰宇奋进开拓I am forging ahead in the world of stars星空之巅,梦想闪烁Dreams are shining at the top of the stars追星万里,运筹帷幄Follow the stars and strategize
青春年华,征途寥廓The journey of youth is boundless我在星河寰宇奋进开拓I am forging ahead in the world of stars星空之巅,梦想闪烁Dreams are shining at the top of the stars追星万里,运筹帷幄Follow the stars and strategize啊,松江Ah Songjiang啊,松江Ah Songjiang星辰大海爱的执着Sea of stars爱的执着Attachment of love太空荣耀,天高地阔The space is wide and glorious