▲ 自然指数全球科研城市10强
Top 10 science cities
▲ 中国城市在自然指数追踪的大多数学科领域保持领先地位
The Nature Index showed that Beijing has remained the world's top science city since 2016. Meanwhile, Chinese cities, especially provincial capitals such as Nanjing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Hefei and Xi'an, have greatly enhanced their position as globally competitive science centers.
The Nature Index noted that many of these rapidly developing cities are a specialist role in key technology areas such as electric vehicles and solar energy.
According to the supplement, there is evident progress in the health sciences, an area where Chinese cities still lag behind their Western counterparts.
The Nature Index data showed that although Beijing and Shanghai have maintained a clear lead, the growth in chemistry output from some of China's smaller cities could mark them as future contenders in this field.
自然指数主编西蒙·贝克(Simon Baker)表示,在北京不断扩大其科研城市榜首优势之际,2023年一个令人关注的进展是中国省会城市的崛起,从西部的成都、到东部的合肥。这些在西方不为人熟知的城市,如今已跻身自然科学三十强城市之列,与欧洲和北美老牌的科研中心比肩而立。即使在健康科学领域,仍落后于西方的中国城市也取得了明显进步。
In physical sciences, the eastern city of Nanjing climbed above Boston and New York for the first time to reach third place.
With its continued focus on sustainability and ecological protection, China is cementing itself as a leader in Earth and environmental sciences, according to the Nature Index. Beijing, Nanjing and Guangzhou are the three leading cities in the subject.