11月14日,11位外国友人走进益阳市清溪村,感受书香四溢的秀美村庄。清溪漫步间,21座书屋如星辰般点缀,分别以文学巨匠及知名出版社命名,如曹文轩、贾平凹、刘慈欣、莫言等,编织成一道独特的文学风景线。英国伦敦作家Fiona对书屋赞叹不已,法国BFM BUSINESS电视台主持人、作家Alexia希望和当地建立出版合作,期待在清溪村度过愉快的时光。
On November 14th, 11 foreign friends walked into Qingxi Village in Yiyang City to admire this picturesque village especially enticing book-lovers. 21 bookhouses will be seen scattered like stars if one wanders inside it , which are named after literary giants or well-known publishing houses, including Cao Wenxuan, Jia Pingwa, Liu Cixin, Mo Yan and the like, adding unique glamour to the landscape. Fiona, a writer from London, overwhelmingly impressed by these book houses, and Alexia, a presenter for French BFM BUSINESS and a writer, in the hope of seeking publishing cooperation with the local agencies, both anticipated a leisurely break here.