AI寒冬真的要来了!Ilya:I told you so

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1.AI实验室Safe Superintelligence(SSI)联合创始人伊利亚·苏茨克维尔(Ilya Sutskever)表示,预训练技术在生成式AI领域的应用已触及瓶颈。


3.与此同时,OpenAI大批核心人员离职,关于GPT-5训练不顺利的传言四起,但前CEO Sam Altman仍坚信2025年将实现AGI。





引述:“Ilya被广泛认为是通过预训练时使用更多数据和算力来推动生成式 AI 重大进展的早期倡导者,这种方法最终催生了 ChatGPT。今年早些时候,Ilya离开 OpenAI,创办了 SSI。”

"Sutskever is widely credited as an early advocate of achieving massive leaps in generative AI advancement through t he use of more data and computing power in pre-training, which eventually created ChatGPT. Sutskever left OpenAI earlier this year to found SSI."


"I don't wanna say "I told you so", but I told you so."

引述:“Safe Superintelligence(SSI)和 OpenAI 的联合创始人伊利亚·苏茨克维尔(Ilya Sutskever)表示:通过扩展预训练——即在训练 AI 模型时使用大量未标注数据来理解语言模式和结构的阶段——取得的效果已经触及瓶颈。”

"Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of AI labs Safe Superintelligence (SSI) and OpenAI, told Reuters recently that results from scaling up pre-training - the phase of training an AI model that uses a vast amount of unlabeled data to understand language patterns and structures - have plateaued." ...

引述:Ilya的发言,“2010 年代是扩展的时代,而现在我们又回到了充满奇迹和发现的时代。每个人都在寻找下一个突破,”Ilya说道。“如今,正确选择扩展的方向比以往任何时候都更为重要。”

"Ilya:The 2010s were the age of scaling, now we're back in the age of wonder and discovery once again. Everyone is looking for the next thing,” Sutskever said. “Scaling the right thing matters more now than ever.”

OpenAI大批核心人员离职究竟是什么原因?GPT5训练不顺利的传言甚嚣尘上,事实究竟如何,但同时Sam Altman 前两天又接受YC的CEO采访信誓旦旦2025年将会实现AGI(想知道具体采访内容可以看我这篇文章重磅!刚刚Sam Altman万字采访:AGI将在2025年实现,通往 AGI 的道路已经清晰可见),所以2025会发生什么?

