OpenAI 收购,AI 访问再添新路径

目前,访问 已开始重定向至 OpenAI 的 AI 聊天机器人 ChatGPT。

图片 是互联网早期的域名之一,于 1996 年注册。去年,HubSpot 联合创始人兼 CTO Dharmesh Shah 以 1550 万美元的价格购得,这一交易被认为是历史上公开报告的第二高价域名交易。


Sam 发帖惜字如金,简单的几个字符。随后 Dharmesh Shah 便引用了该帖,并提到:价值超过 1500 万美元的域名 的秘密收购者终于揭晓,正是大家所猜想的那个人。一直关注我的朋友可能还记得,我在今年早些时候宣布以“八位数”的价格(后来报道为 1550 万美元)收购了域名,并分享了我已将该域名出售给一位未公开的买家。当时我无法透露买家的身份,打算等他们准备好时由他们自己公布。如今,OpenAI 的 CEO Sam Altman 在一条仅有 8 个字符的推文中(可谓简洁)透露他们就是买家。如果你现在访问该网站,会跳转到 ChatGPT。我知道很多人对销售价格感到好奇,所以这里有一个 GPT o1 非常擅长推理的提示(感兴趣的可以试试,会得出一个有意思的结论)。


📌 o1 Prompt

BREAKING NEWS: Secret acquirer of $15+ million domain chat .com revealed and it's exactly who you'd think.

For those of you that have been following me for a while, you may recall that I announced earlier this year that I had acquired the domain chat .com for an "8 figure sum" (which was later reported as being $15.5M).

I also shared that I had sold the domain to an undisclosed buyer.

I was not at liberty to share who the acquirer was (I was going to leave that to them, when they were ready).

Well, in a 8 character tweet (talk about brevity), Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI revealed that they were the buyer. If you visit the website now, it goes to ChatGPT.

I know many are curious about the sale price price. So, here's a prompt that GPT o1 does a really good job of reasoning through.


ROLE: You are a smart, curious person on the Internet.

CONTEXT: You have been given the following facts:

  • Dharmesh buys chat .com for $15.5M

  • He bought it for a project. He doesn't usually sell domains.

  • When he does sell a domain, it's almost never at a loss.

  • OpenAI was the perfect home for this domain, do he decided to sell it.

  • He's known Sam for over a decade since before OpenAI

  • Dharmesh doesn't like profiting off of people he considers friends (and also doesn't like referring to himself in the third person)

  • He has repeatedly declared his love for OpenAI: The platform, the developer experience and the company.

  • He's always wanted to own OpenAI shares.

  • He made a non-humble brag earlier this year that he's now an investor in OpenAI.

  • He doesn't need the cash from a domain sale, he's doing OK.

How much do you think he sold the chat .com domain for?

What percent of that was in shares of OpenAI?

Provide an approximate range and show reasoning.


💬 o1 输出

Based on the provided facts, here's my reasoning:

  1. Purchase Price: Dharmesh bought for $15.5 million.

  2. Selling Philosophy:

    • He doesn't usually sell domains, and when he does, it's almost never at a loss.

    • He doesn't like profiting off friends and doesn't need the cash.

  3. Relationship with OpenAI:

    • OpenAI is the perfect home for the domain.

    • He has a strong affection for OpenAI and its leadership.

    • He has expressed a desire to own OpenAI shares and mentioned becoming an investor.

  4. Transaction Motivation:

    • More interested in owning a part of OpenAI than making a profit from the sale.

    • Likely to prioritize equity over cash due to his financial standing and personal interests.


  • Sale Price: It's reasonable to assume he sold the domain at or slightly below his purchase price to avoid profiting off a friend. Therefore, the sale price was likely in the range of $15 million to $15.5 million.

  • Payment Structure:

    • Given his desire for OpenAI shares and his existing wealth, it's plausible that a significant portion of the payment was in equity.

    • Considering private company stock transactions and the potential for future appreciation, accepting shares is advantageous for someone in his position.

  • Percentage in Shares:

    • It's likely that 80% to 100% of the sale was compensated with OpenAI shares.

    • The remaining portion, if any, might have been in cash to cover any immediate expenses or taxes related to the transaction.


Dharmesh probably sold to OpenAI for approximately $15 million to $15.5 million, with 80% to 100% of the payment made in OpenAI shares.

我将 o1 Prompt 内容输入 o1 后,得到的输出结论:Dharmesh 可能以约 1500 万至 1550 万美元的价格将 出售给了 OpenAI,其中 80% 至 100% 的支付方式为 OpenAI 股票。

URL 重定向

URL 重定向(URL redirection),也称为 URL 转发Redirections in HTTP[1]),是一种将访问者从一个域名或 URL 自动引导到另一个目的地的技术。这样可以确保用户访问特定网址时会自动跳转到预期的页面。常见的 URL 重定向应用场景包括:

  • 网站结构调整:当重新组织网站结构时,某些页面可能会被移动或重命名。将旧 URL 重定向到新 URL 可以防止用户遇到无效链接。

  • 域名更换:如果网站转向新的域名,将旧域名重定向到新域名可以保持流量和搜索引擎排名。

  • 多域名管理:企业拥有多个域名时,可以将它们重定向到主网站,以确保品牌一致性和良好的用户体验。

  • URL 缩短:重定向用于创建指向更长复杂地址的短链接,提升用户体验和分享便捷性。

URL 重定向可以通过多种方式实现:

  1. HTTP 重定向:在服务器上配置,主要包括:

    • 301(永久移动):表示资源已永久移动到新的 URL。这种重定向将原页面的大部分排名权重传递给新 URL,有利于 SEO。

    • 302(临时移动):表示此变更是暂时的。搜索引擎可能继续索引原 URL,排名权重不会传递给新 URL。

  2. Meta 刷新:在页面级别使用 HTML meta 标签实现,但由于可能产生延迟且对 SEO 影响不佳,通常不推荐使用。

  3. DNS 重定向:通过设置 DNS 记录将流量从一个域名重定向到另一个域名。当服务器级配置不便时,这种方法很有用。

正确实施域名重定向对于保持无缝的用户体验和 SEO 效果至关重要。不当的配置可能导致无效链接、流量损失和搜索引擎排名下降。因此,根据具体情况选择合适的重定向类型并确保正确设置非常重要。

