Fig.1 | Graph neural network training and testing.
Fig.2 |QMOFv13 dataset statistics.
来自德国慕尼黑工业大学工程物理与计算系的Julija Zavadlav教授团队,提出了一种基于主动学习的GNN模型,结合Dropout蒙特卡洛方法,用于精确预测MOFs的局部电荷。研究通过设计和训练GNN模型,采用主动学习策略优化训练样本选择,显著减少了达到高准确度所需的标记数据量。模型利用Dropout蒙特卡洛技术评估预测不确定性,确保在未见过的数据上也能可靠预测。这一方法在MOFs和沸石的不同分布上展示了良好的泛化能力。
Fig.3 | Active learning curves.
Active learning graph neural networks for partial charge prediction of metal-organic frameworks via dropout Monte Carlo
Stephan Thaler, Felix Mayr, Siby Thomas, Alessio Gagliardi & Julija Zavadlav
Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) are an attractive class of porous materials due to their immense design space, allowing for application-tailored properties. Properties of interest, such as gas sorption, can be predicted in silico with molecular mechanics simulations. However, the accuracy is limited by the available empirical force field and partial charge estimation scheme. In this work, we train a graph neural network for partial charge prediction via active learning based on Dropout Monte Carlo. We show that active learning significantly reduces the required amount of labeled MOFs to reach a target accuracy. The obtained model generalizes well to different distributions of MOFs and Zeolites. In addition, the uncertainty predictions of Dropout Monte Carlo enable reliable estimation of the mean absolute error for unseen MOFs. This work paves the way towards accurate molecular modeling of MOFs via next-generation potentials with machine learning predicted partial charges, supporting in-silico material design.