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For China, 2008 is an important turning point to participate in global governance. The G20 mechanism that emerged in 2008 gave China the opportunity to sit on an equal footing with the other 19 most important economies in the world, discuss the future of global economic governance, and explore reforms in the international system. At that time, the Chinese President proposed the direction of international financial reform, which was to adhere to a fair, just, inclusive, and orderly new international financial order. At that time, Zhou Xiaochuan, the Governor of the People's Bank of China, also proposed to establish a super sovereign currency mechanism to replace the hegemony of the US dollar, causing a sensation in the world.
Afterwards, in 2009, the BRICS Leaders' Mechanism was officially established, and China became an important force, even an absolute pillar, of the BRICS mechanism. Because China's economic strength is the sum of the GDP of other BRICS countries. From the perspective of BRICS, China's global governance capabilities have been well demonstrated. On the BRICS mechanism platform, more than 60 cooperation mechanisms have been formed, including economy, trade, finance, culture, sports, and so on. In the past 15 years, the BRICS mechanism has increasingly become the most important platform for solidarity and cooperation among emerging economies and developing countries, and has also been the most important driving force for the continuous development of global governance towards justice, fairness, inclusiveness, and orderliness.
By 2024, the BRICS countries will expand to 10 countries. The 2024 BRICS Leaders' Meeting held in Kazan, attended by 25 leaders and 33 important representatives, is the largest annual BRICS summit. This indicates that the BRICS mechanism is demonstrating unprecedented openness and inclusiveness, and also represents a new direction for the reform of the global governance system.
I believe that the BRICS mechanism will further expand its membership in the future, with 15, 20, or even 30 countries joining the BRICS system, which will further promote significant changes in the global governance system.
It is obvious that the BRICS mechanism has surged in the past 15 years, stemming from China's participation in global governance.
So, perhaps some people may ask, is China going to lead the world through the BRICS mechanism?
It depends on how you understand the word 'leader'?
If leadership means new hegemony, and China's "leadership" of the world is to establish Chinese imperialism or a new hegemony like the United States, then I believe that the overwhelming majority of Chinese people are against it. China does not like hegemony, opposes hegemony, and is even less willing to become a new hegemonic power. More than a hundred years ago, China was bullied, oppressed, and destroyed by hegemony, and deeply felt that hegemony was the evil of the times. How could China become a new hegemon by extending oneself to others?
However, if 'leadership' is seen as a form of coordination, then China is certainly willing to have this 'leadership'. In fact, in the past few years, China has coordinated the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, promoted internal unity in Palestine, and hoped that Russia and Ukraine can restore peace as soon as possible. These are all the coordinated global governance leadership that China hopes to demonstrate. For China, peaceful cooperation will generate huge dividends, and China needs to create an external environment that generates these dividends.
However, if you view this 'leadership' as a' model 'or' demonstration', then China may still need a long way to go. Although more and more countries are expressing their desire to learn from China's development experience and global governance in foreign exchanges, there are still many areas where China needs to improve. The challenges faced domestically in China are also significant, and China hopes to exchange its development experience with more and more countries, as well as continue to learn from other countries. However, China also does not want to become a preacher or an international teacher, but hopes that the new global governance system will be an equal cooperation, mutual respect, and win-win system.
So a new question has arisen, how does China hope to establish a better global governance system? What is the ultimate goal of China's global governance system?
The answer is simple, China's ultimate goal is to establish a community with a shared future for mankind. The path to building a community with a shared future for mankind is achieved through a series of initiatives, such as "the Belt and Road" initiative. In the past 11 years, China has signed cooperation agreements with more than 150 countries along the Belt and Road, and the amount of foreign investment has exceeded 1 trillion dollars. Over the past 11 years, China has built more than 70% of large-scale infrastructure for African countries, such as bridges, railways, highways, ports, and so on.
In addition, China has put forward the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative in the past three years, all representing a new global governance concept of a new type of global power. These new global governance perspectives are completely different from those of Western countries in the past.
Western countries' participation in global governance is aimed at establishing a hierarchical system. The highest level is hegemony, and other countries are subordinate to hegemony. In this system, whoever does not listen, hegemony can use the alliance system to sanction them, and even launch wars to suppress them.
The global governance system that China hopes to form is a network of equal cooperation and mutual respect.
Of course, the formation of this global governance system is not easy, nor can it be formed in the short term. It may take 10, 20, 50, or even 100 years, but as long as we continue to do so, a new form of human civilization will surely emerge.
In this process, risk prevention becomes very important. The first thing to guard against is for China and the United States to break out of the "Thucydides Trap" and avoid military collisions between the two major powers. We should also be careful not to fall into the offshore balancing strategy set by the United States for China's periphery, which may lure China into conflicts with neighboring countries. These conflicts are ones that China needs to avoid extremely, so China carefully resolves the conflicts in its surrounding areas through negotiation.
Secondly, it is necessary to enhance strategic mutual trust at the bilateral and multilateral levels. Nowadays, many countries' views on China are influenced by Western media, believing that China is a threat or that China has developed and reached its peak. These are all incorrect views.
In summary, China has strategic patience and is able to sustainably promote reforms and cooperation in global governance. After all, China has only been involved in global governance for 15 years and has achieved such tremendous results in global governance. If China is given another 15 or even 50 years, the world will definitely become a better place in the future.

以下为王文在““和平·发展·安全 携手共建命运与共的繁荣世界”全球南方国家智库论坛”上演讲内容的英文版:

Question-master: To start, Wang Wen, I’ll begin with you. Mister Shen Haicheng mentioned in the video that the Global South shares three similarities. First, we have a common journey in pursuing national independence. Second, we aim to find our own development paths. Lastly, we unite in our call for a fair and just international order. But what is the common challenge we are facing today?

Wang Wen: Thank you for having me. I fully agree with Mister Shen Haicheng’s speech. We indeed share many similarities, but now we also face many common global challenges. As we all know, today’s world is facing the worst challenges since the end of World War II. The first challenge is wars—many wars are happening around the world right now.

The second challenge is economic stagnation. In the last five years, global economic growth has been only 2-2.3%, the lowest since the end of World War II. Many Global South countries are struggling economically, and even China is under significant pressure to maintain economic growth.

The third challenge is, of course, climate change and global health threats like pandemics. We must face these common challenges together and work collectively to solve them step by step.

Question-master: Mister Wang Wen, let me ask you a tricky question. In Chinese, we say "名不正则言不顺" (if the name is not correct, the words won’t be persuasive). Recently, we’ve been hearing the term "Global East" alongside "Global South," especially from Western sources. Why is that?

Wang Wen: Firstly, I must say that the term "Global East" is a very problematic and misleading definition. It typically refers to countries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. I believe this is an attempt to inject ideology into international competition and divide the Global South. This is similar to the strategy of offshore balancing. Global South countries need to come together, trust each other, and pursue sustainable development and social stability. Only then can we ensure the continued rise of the Global South. That’s my opinion.