MLID 称英特尔 Arrow Lake 处理器同样存在不稳定问题

IT之家 10 月 23 日消息,英特尔 Raptor Lake 的稳定性问题才刚刚解决,但知名 YouTuber @Moore's Law Is Dead 表示 Arrow Lake 同样存在这一情况,而且目前看起来不太乐观。

MLID 还联系了英特尔方面,对方称这一问题确实存在,工程师认为这可能是微码问题,类似于导致 Raptor Lake 芯片出现问题的微码。他还强调,英特尔正在“努力控制局面”,尽快解决问题。

如果他所言为真,则意味着 Arrow Lake 同样存在严重不稳定的问题,需要英特尔在发布上市之前尽快想办法解决。



根据我所接触过的所有科技 YouTuber 和游戏开发者称,Arrow Lake 最糟糕的问题在于它根本没法用 [...] 还有人告诉我,他们遇到了持续性的蓝屏问题,甚至(某款)游戏因为检测到 Ultra 9 运行某种作弊代码而被踢出(封号),尽管(处理器)并没有(运行作弊代码)。现在的情况简直没法看,而且我正好知道有不少评测者都在怀疑 Arrow Lake 是否存在硬件缺陷,从而才导致了这些稳定性问题的出现。

The worst part about Arrow Lake is, according to every single tech tuber and game developer I spoke to who has their hands on it, the thing doesn't work. [...] I've had other people tell me that they've had constant blue screening issues, and even issues with games booting them out of online servers, because the Ultra 9 was detected as running some kind of cheating code even though it wasn't. It's so bad that I happen to know that multiple reviewers are even wondering if there's a hardware flaw in Arrow Lake causing these instability problems.

美股开盘,英特尔股价一路走低,截至IT之家发稿报价 22.22 美元每股,市值 948.34 亿美元(IT之家备注:当前约 6761.17 亿元人民币)。
