【新刊速递】《国际安全》(IS), Vol.49, No.4, Summer 2024 | 国政学人




《国际安全》(International Security)发表有关当代安全问题的全面清晰、文献详实的文章。文章涉及战争与和平的传统主题,以及安全的最新层面,包括环境、人口、人道主义问题、跨国网络和新兴技术。40多年来,《国际安全》界定了美国国家安全政策的争论,并为国际安全事务的研究制定了议程。2024年该期刊的影响因子为7.486。




The Iron Dice: Fatalism and War 



Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don't: The Assurance Dilemma in International Coercion 



Stabilizing Civil Wars without Peacekeeping: Evidence from South Asia



题目:The Iron Dice: Fatalism and War 

作者:Dominic Tierney,斯沃斯莫尔学院政治学Claude Smith教授


Leaders in international relations often exhibit fatalism, or the belief that events are guided by forces beyond their control. In some cases, fatalism may reflect reality, or be rhetoric to boost support. But there is also an important psychological explanation: fatalism can help leaders avoid responsibility for costly outcomes and protect their self-image. Fatalism is more likely: (1) in regard to bad outcomes versus good outcomes; (2) when war is seen as imminent versus far-off; and (3) in nondemocratic regimes versus democratic regimes. The concept of fatalism is central to philosophy, religion, medicine, sociology, and psychology, but has been neglected by scholars in international relations. Fatalism may be an important cause of war, especially when combined with a perceived window of opportunity. This research contributes to democratic peace theory by helping explain the lack of war between representative regimes. If elected leaders are less prone to extreme fatalism about war, democracies may have more room to maneuver in a crisis. I use case studies of the origins of World War I and World War II to probe the argument.


题目:Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don't: The Assurance Dilemma in International Coercion 

作者:Reid B. C. Pauly,布朗大学政治学助理教授和核安全与政策院长助理教授

摘要:为什么有些胁迫性要求成功了,而其他的一些却失败了?一个主导范式通过指出威胁的可信度和严重性来解释胁迫性结果。胁迫保证(coercive assurance)这一概念在关于胁迫的文献中是一种缺乏研究的承诺问题。它表明胁迫者必须向胁迫目标保证,它的威胁是以目标的行为为条件的。许多学者忽略了胁迫保证,部分原因是因为他们认为这是自动的。但是保证是任何胁迫过程中的一个关键性要素。当胁迫者的保证不再可信时,即使是高度可信和严重的威胁也可能会失败。一种新的理论,即保证困境(assurance dilemma),有助于回答以下问题:为什么胁迫目标害怕无条件的痛苦?为什么胁迫者在得到服从后会进行惩罚?胁迫中的威胁和保证之间有什么关系?胁迫者为提高其威胁可信度而采取的行动会破坏其保证不会惩罚目标的可信度。胁迫对象担心惩罚可能无法避免,因此在屈服于胁迫者的要求之前会寻找保证信号。关于伊朗核计划的胁迫性讨价还价的案例证明了运用这一保证的逻辑和有效性。

Why do some coercive demands succeed but others fail? A dominant paradigm explains coercive outcomes by pointing to the credibility and severity of threats. The concept of coercive assurance is an understudied type of commitment problem in the coercion literature. It suggests that a coercer must assure its target that its threats are conditional on the target's behavior. Many scholars overlook coercive assurance, in part because they assume it is automatic. But assurance is a crucial component of any coercive process. Even highly credible and severe threats can fail when the coercer's assurance is not credible. A novel theory, the assurance dilemma, helps to answer the following questions: Why do targets of coercion fear unconditional pain? Why do coercers punish after receiving compliance? What is the relationship between threats and assurances in coercion? The actions that a coercer can take to bolster the credibility of a threat undermine the credibility of its assurance that it will not punish the target. Targets fear that punishment may be unavoidable and thus look for assuring signals before ceding to the coercer's demands. The case of coercive bargaining over the Iranian nuclear program demonstrates the logic and effectiveness of the use of assurance.


题目:Stabilizing Civil Wars without Peacekeeping: Evidence from South Asia

作者:Basil Bastaki,耶鲁大学政治学系博士生;Paul Staniland,芝加哥大学政治学教授;Bryan Popoola,约翰霍普金斯大学保罗·尼采高级国际研究院理学硕士和芝加哥大学文学学士 


Peacekeeping is helpful in resolving civil wars, but there is little chance of peacekeeping operations or other international peace-building interventions for many conflicts. How do internal wars stabilize in the absence of meaningful international involvement? Two key factors, the government's political space for bargaining and the relative power of armed groups, help to explain when it is possible to reach either stable cooperation between states and armed groups or negotiated settlements. We analyze three conflict trajectories—“long-term limited cooperation” arrangements, state incorporation or disarmament, and ongoing conflict—to show that the paths to stabilization are often ethically fraught and empirically complicated but exist even when international involvement is off the table. We use quantitative and qualitative data to study the relationships between armed groups and governments in much of post-colonial South Asia, including during periods of little or no violence. Understanding these trajectories provides policymakers, analysts, and scholars with useful tools for identifying policy options and political trade-offs as they seek to reduce the human costs of war.

编译 | 林志俊

审校 | 赖永祯

排版 | 张俊枫
