

中欧国际工商学院院长(欧方)杜道明(Dominique Turpin),图片由其本人提供




中欧国际工商学院院长(欧方)杜道明(Dominique Turpin)同样认为,新一代企业管理者面临很多新的挑战。











10月14日,英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)公布了2024年全球EMBA课程百强榜单,中欧国际工商学院Global EMBA(GEMBA)课程取得历史性突破,首次在这一国际权威榜单中荣登榜首。


























杜道明: 情况已经改变。这不仅仅是在中国,而是全世界都如此。在不确定的时期,人们犹豫是否要上商学院,担心毕业后工作机会可能不再等待他们。












TMTPOST: CEIBS has achieved its highest-ever ranking in the Financial Times Global EMBA 2024, marking the first time a Chinese business school has attained such impressive results. What do you believe are the key factors contributing to this accomplishment?

Dominique Turpin: There are several factors. When the economy grows, companies need more talent, and business schools also tend to grow as a result. That's the first factor. The second is the high level of competition in this region, even within China. In a way, this is positive because it elevates the overall quality of business schools.

There is a strong sense of healthy competition in attracting the best students and developing the best curriculum. So, economic growth and increased competition have been key reasons for our success.

TMTPOST: What main changes and challenges have you observed in the field of executive education in Mainland China and overseas in recent years?

Dominique Turpin: What we've observed is a shift in the topics students and employers want us to teach. Initially, the focus was on areas like accounting, finance, marketing, and operations management. Then, there was a move toward strategic thinking and project management. Today, soft skills have become increasingly important.

Soft skills include developing the right company culture, implementing strategies, communicating effectively, and motivating people in an unpredictable world. So, there's been an evolution from hard skills like accounting and finance to strategic thinking, and now, to soft skills focused on execution.

Strategy is often straightforward, and many executives and students are drawn to its intellectual challenges. However, the real challenge lies in execution — mobilizing people and managing the details. Execution can be perceived as tedious, but it is more difficult and crucial than simply formulating strategy.

TMTPOST: Compared to previous students, what are the distinct characteristics of the new generation of managers and entrepreneurs who have enrolled at CEIBS in recent years? Has CEIBS made any adjustments to its teaching methods or curriculum to cater to this new generation? Among these adjustments, which have you found to be effective? Which, if any, have proven to be unsuitable

Dominique Turpin: There have been significant changes in China. When I first taught here in 1991, it was a very different China. I recall one student asking why companies needed to make a profit. Today, no one would ask that question. There's been a major shift in maturity.

Now, with the slowdown in the Chinese economy, many are asking, "How can I sell to the rest of the world? How can I build a brand outside of China?" There is growing interest in being successful both domestically and internationally. As a marketing and branding specialist, I see more Chinese companies focusing on building brands globally, which will be very important.

Regarding teaching methods, we have moved beyond the case method, influenced by Harvard Business School. Today, we are more flexible, combining lectures, games, simulations, and case studies to enhance the student experience.

With the rise of AI, at a recent conference in Italy with 600 business school deans, there was discussion about the future of exams—some suggested that, instead of written exams, we might conduct face-to-face exams with robots, as robots are less biased and more neutral.

It will be interesting to see how technology shapes education, as it's the first time in human history that technology is playing such a significant role in learning. We need to find the right balance between leveraging technology and nurturing the soft skills that are still essential.

TMTPOST: Young people's communication has always been an important window and indicator of cooperation between different countries. In your observation, what changes have occurred in international communication and education among young people in the post-epidemic era?

Dominique Turpin: There is a bit of a paradox here. Before COVID, people were more open to various forms of communication. After the pandemic, some people became more closed-off, although we're seeing a slow recovery.

Some professors at CEIBS have noticed that students were more open-minded before COVID, and it’s been slow to return to that level of openness.

Additionally, political uncertainty has impacted international cooperation. For instance, we used to collaborate extensively with American business schools, but they are now under pressure from the U.S. government to reduce their engagements with China.This is unfortunate because when tensions rise, more communication is needed.

The number of foreign students coming to China has decreased significantly. I hope this is a temporary situation because, regardless of political developments, China remains an important country. Increased communication is critical in times of tension, and I hope more smart, talented people will continue to study in China.

TMTPOST: As you mentioned, the economy is slow down, during economic downturns, there is a growing disenchantment with the elite. Against the backdrop of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, the sense of crisis among senior management has reached new heights, especially as some international companies withdraw from China. In this context, has the significance of attending business school changed?

Dominique Turpin: The situation has changed. It's not just in China but worldwide. People hesitate to attend business school during uncertain times, fearing that their job may not be waiting for them afterward.

Typically, students prefer to study when the economy is doing well. However, I believe that the smartest individuals are those who choose to study during crises, as they tend to secure better opportunities when the economy recovers.

TMTPOST: As a marketing expert, what is your view on the impact of AI Large Language Models on marketing? Nowadays digital transformation has always been a key topic in the marketing field, with technology companies reshaping the marketing business model. With the advent of the AI Large Language Models era, AI marketing has become a hot topic. In your opinion, how should large enterprises and startups address these challenges differently?

Dominique Turpin: AI is a tool. The purpose of marketing, and of companies in general, is to create value for society, not just for shareholders. Companies exist to solve problems, to make life better, faster, and more comfortable for people.

Computers and phones help solve problems, just as digital tools like AI do. The key is to avoid becoming overwhelmed by data and instead focus on what problems you want to solve for society or consumers.

In terms of execution, there is a generational gap in many companies. Younger employees understand technology, while older executives may not. The challenge lies in managing these diverse generations, each with different expectations.

Many companies struggle to turn technological knowledge into business ideas. As business schools, we aim to train young participants to translate technical knowledge into business action.

This requires a change in mindset, especially in Asia, where leadership models have traditionally been hierarchical. In the age of new technology, leaders must be humble and willing to trust younger generations.

Startups face different challenges, as they are typically founded by individuals under 40. Younger entrepreneurs tend to be more tech-savvy and willing to take risks, whereas older individuals may be more risk-averse.

TMTPOST: So, is it easier for large companies or startups to innovate in the AI era?

Dominique Turpin: I recently spoke with a vice president at ByteDance who mentioned that as the company grows, it becomes harder to drive innovation. Large companies need processes and hierarchies, which can stifle creativity. In smaller companies, relationships are more informal, allowing for easier experimentation. This is a significant challenge as tech companies grow larger—it becomes harder for them to innovate.(本文独家首发于钛媒体APP,作者|李程程,编辑|胡润峰)
