We do Scientific Research in China丨我们在中国搞科研

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Every year, Shanghai Jiao Tong University attracts many overseas students. They travel thousands of miles to come to China and conduct scientific research and learn technologies on the campus of Jiao Tong University with Chinese and foreign supervisors. With their knowledge, learning and abilities, they enrich themselves on the one hand and also enhance the friendship and exchanges in culture and technology among various countries on the other hand.

"Our laboratory is called Material Modeling and Simulation Laboratory.I have been working mostly on solar energy and renewable energy. Therefore China has put a huge influence on my research. As a part of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, we get the best of the technology support from the national labs. "

"Since I was a child, I was in an international school in Thailand. And in high school I also went to the United States for boarding school. So all my life I have been involved in quite a western environment. So when I came to university, I want to be more in Asian society and more eastern culture. So that's why I wanted to come to China and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to be immersed in all this Chinese culture and also learn the language. "

"Yes this is my first time studying abroad. I grew up in Malaysia and studied at a university in Malaysia. So I think it's a great experience for me to learn about the Chinese culture here. "

"The student here is really excellent. They always work very hard. So it kind of motivates me to become a better person. "

"For entrepreneurship I think it's one of the reasons that I have stayed in China for such a long time. So we have started some companies in Grand neoBay which is right outside. And I think it's a great place to incubate businesses. Encourage them to go a little further and see what they can bring to the market."

"Niladri Saha actually gives me a very deep impression. He has a very clear plan for the future. And he has been very active in communicating with me. Hope to learn how exactly scientific is research done. "

"Many times in research the final conclusion might not be as great or as expected. He has taught me the research skills I'll need in the future, as well as patience and perseverance, and how to face failure. Associate Professor Wang Yanming is the most important pillar for me."

"Compared to other international students who first learnt Mandarin (which is usually related to life), I first learnt to speak specialised vocabulary in Mandarin, so to speak. 

Like ‘acrylic sheet’ and ‘light cutting.’ We spent many long nights here trying to figure out things like how the equipment's monitor didn't light up."

"Shanghai China cultivates the talent very well and the opportunities are countless. We get a lot of facilities that might not have been possible in any other country, even in my country given that. "

"As long as you immerse in this environment, I believe everyone can try to bring out the best of themselves. "

"It's quite challenging. It's quite tiring, but in the end the result is very rewarding. "

"(I want to) learn from China. Because China is progressing very fast. I want my country (Malaysia) to develop to this level as well. "

"I believe what I have learned in China can be used to develop a mutual relationship between China and Bangladesh and go back use the innovation together to therefore make China and Bangladesh's friendship stronger."













“相比其他留学生先学会的普通话(一般与生活相关),我先学会的是用普通话说专业的词汇。比如说‘亚克力板’,还有 ‘光切’。我们在实验室里度过了许多漫长的夜晚,试图弄清楚设备的显示器怎么不亮了等情况。”









Reported by Xu Peng, Li Jie, Jin Wujia
Edited by XuPeiXin
Reviewed by Chen Yiting, Yao Yiying, Wang Tingting