(Bilingual)约旦大力士广州筑梦 见证中国体育“百花齐放”


18年前,来自约旦的NOUR BANI HANI怀揣梦想踏上中国的土地。广州的繁荣与机遇让他从健身器材贸易起步,逐步建立起属于自己的“健身王国”,并为自己取了一个中文名字——王真龙。






18 years ago, NOUR BANI HANI from Jordan came to China with big dreams. The prosperity and opportunities in Guangzhou allowed him to start with gym equipment trading and gradually build his own “fitness empire.” He even gave himself a Chinese name: Wang Zhenlong.

NOUR hails from northern Jordan, where "strongman" is not just a sport but a way of life. During harvest season, people often carry 50 kg bags of rice by hand, moving between farms and granaries. Growing up in such an environment deeply instilled his fascination with strength.

After arriving in China, NOUR witnessed the rapid growth of both professional sports and public fitness. Even more importantly, he found like-minded strongman enthusiasts and went on to establish a unique gym focused on strength training.

Surrounded by the passion for sports in China, NOUR is confident that in the near future, he and Chinese athletes will leave a lasting mark on the world stage of the strongman competition.
