Matter全球科学家票选:50大最重要材料 | 2024年第2期(第40-35名)



Physical science


Matter作为Cell Press细胞出版社旗下材料科学领域的旗舰期刊,一直致力于发表具有创造性突破的研究成果。

今年,恰逢Cell Press成立50周年暨Matter创刊5周年之际,为感谢广大读者,作者和审稿人朋友对本刊的大力支持,并且回馈中国材料科学研究群体,Matter将在今年举办一系列线上线下活动,与大家面对面交流互动,帮助“材料人”们为自己的工作找到合适的期刊和发表机会。

作为Cell Press成立50周年暨Matter创刊5周年庆祝活动“play”的一环,Matter请了全球50位材料领域的领军科学家,包括诺奖得主、欧美中院士、杰出青年学者等,共同投票选出了最重要的50种材料,本期公布榜单上第40-35名,看看是不是你正在研究的材料?


Heavy metal removal using structured sorbents 3D printed from carbon nanotube-enriched polymer solutions

Emerging porous framework material-based nanofluidic membranes toward ultimate ion separation


Titanium oxide-based 1D nanofilaments, 2D sheets, and mesoporous particles: Synthesis, characterization, and ion intercalation

One-dimensional, titania-based lepidocrocite nanofilaments and their self-assembly

Wet-chemistry hydrogen doped TiO2 with switchable defects control for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

Highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells enabled by a fluoro-functionalized TiO2 inorganic interlayer

Toward a Rational Design of Titanium Metal-Organic Frameworks


Inhalable dry powder mRNA vaccines based on extracellular vesicles

Precision design of engineered nanomaterials to guide immune systems for disease treatment

Chemical design of self-propelled Janus droplets

Glucose-responsive oral insulin delivery platform for one treatment a day in diabetes

Injectable liposome-based supramolecular hydrogels for the programmable release of multiple protein drugs


Nano/submicrometer-emulsion oily wastewater treatment inspired by plant transpiration

Bioinspired Multifunctional Anti-icing Hydrogel

Water treatment based on atomically engineered materials: Atomic layer deposition and beyond

Anomalous solid-like necking of confined water outflow in hydrophobic nanopores

Long-Range Ordered Water Correlations between A–T/C–G Nucleotides

Designing non-textured, all-solid, slippery hydrophilic surfaces