








Dear Chairs Cantwell and Lucas and Ranking Members Cruz and Lofgren:

For nearly two years, SpaceX and many in industry, legal practice,and academia have raised the alarm on the Federal Aviation Administration's(FAA) implementation of its commercial space launch and reentry regulatorymandate, which is administered by its Office of Commercial Space Transportation(AST).It has been clear for some time that AST lacks the resources to timelyreview licensing materials, mistakenly focuses its limited resources on areasunrelated to its public safety regulatory scope and has been unsuccessful inmodernizing and streamlining its regulations.

Most recently, the FAA alleged that SpaceX violated its regulationsand proposed a $633,009 penalty for these alleged violations. It is notablethat these violations and penalties were announced shortly after increasedscrutiny on AST by Congress for its failure to reasonably and timely executeits regulatory obligations. It is also notable that, in announcing thesepenalties, FAA's politically appointed Chief Counsel was quoted in the FAA'sannouncement on the matter. It is understanding that it is highly irregular,and perhaps unprecedented, for a Chief Counsel to be quoted on an enforcementmatter. SpaceX forcefully rejects the FAA's assertion that it violated anyregulations.

SpaceX is absolutely committed to safety in all operations. Withrespect to these matters, it is notable that in each instance, SpaceX providedAST with sufficient notice of these relatively minor license updates, which hadno bearing on public safety. The fact that AST was unable to timely processthese minor updates underscores systemic challenges at AST. The FAA allegesthree distinct violations: (I) that utilized a propellant farm at SpaceX'slaunch site that FAA had not yet approved; (2) that SpaceX used an updatedCommunications Plan that the FAA had not yet approved; and (3) that SpaceX didnot conduct a launch poll two hours prior to a launch, As it relates to theRP-I fuel farm, use of the RP-I fuel farm had been approved by our U.S.Government Range Safety Authority for an upcoming National Security SpaceLaunch (NSSL) program mission.

The system has been safely used repeatedly ever since, because thereis no public safety risk. Despite the Federal Range's approval, AST elected toinvolve itself and now proposes penalties against SpaceX because AST was unableto do its job in an efficient manner. The Communication Plan changes areentirely unrelated to public safety, and AST has no regulatory authority torequire a T-2 hour poll. SpaceX responds in detail to each allegation below foryour information and to the clarify the record.

FAA Enforcement Action — Quick Facts

AFAA allegesthat SpaceX operated under an unapproved Communications Plan for the PSN MSFlaunch in June 2023. SpaceX denies this allegation.

B) SpaceX's only change to the Communications Plan was to change thelocation of the launch control center from one location on Kennedy Space Centerto another.No communications procedures, networks, or personnel changed.

C On May 2,2023, SpaceX sent the FAA a revised SpaceX Falcon and Dragon CommunicationsPlan (v.5.4, May 2023) (Plan v5.4) for incorporation into its launch licenses.

DEach weekafter SpaceX submitted Plan v5.4, during weekly licensing calls between the FAAand SpaceX, spaceX told the FAA that it required the plan by June 1 and askedthe FAA whether it had feedback.

EDuring a callon June 13, SpaceX again asked FAA if it had feedback, because SpaceX had alaunch on June 18 that would use the new location of the launch control center.In response, and for the first time, the FAA told SpaceX that there were"too many" revisions in Plan v5.4 for it to be able to provide feedbackon it by June 18.

FAs such, onJune 15, submitted a new version of a revised Communications Ptan (Plan v5.3.I)that solely updated the location of the launch control center. This change tothe Communications Plan that SpaceX operated under was clearly a continuingaccuracy update, and therefore, per the regulations, did not require FAAapproval.

GOn June 16,the FAA finally began its review of Plan v5.3.1 , and minutes later, SpaceXresponded to the FAA's questions and offered a call to discuss any furtherquestions. The FAA responded stating it would not be able to complete itsreview ot Plan v5.3.1 before the June 18 launch. The FAA stated that SpaceX hadnot provided it with enough notice — even though SpaceX had told the FAASihNe-ekS-eaLli2L that it required use of the plan by June 1, and the date wasnow June 16. Again, approval was not required under the regulation for thiscontinuing accuracy update.

HOn June 22,2023, the FAA sent SpaceX minor comments on Plan v5.4, and this same day, sentresponses to the FAA. Hours after SpaceX responded, on June 22, 2023, the FAAapproved Plan v5.4 for incorporation into two of SpaceX launch licenses, but notin SpaceX's launch license for LC-39A.









AFAA声称SpaceX20236月未经批准的PSN MSF发射通信计划下运营。SpaceX公司否认了这一指控。


C202352日,SpaceX公司向FAA提交了一份修订后的SpaceX 猎鹰火箭和龙飞船通信计划(202355.4),以纳入其发射许可证。



F)因此,在615日,SpaceX提交了一个新版本的修订版本的通信计划(Planv5. 3.1),仅更新了发射控制中心的位置。SpaceX运营的通信计划的这一改变显然是一个持续的准确性更新,因此,根据规定,不需要FAA的批准。


H2023622日, FAASpaceX公司发送了关于Planv5.4的小意见,并在同一天SpaceX公司向FAA发送了回复。2023622日,在SpaceX公司作出回应后的几个小时内,FAA批准了Planv5.4,并批准SpaceX公司的两个发射许可证,但是并不包含SpaceX公司的LC-39A发射许可证上。